Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thanks to the TSA (Transportation Safety Administration)

Dear Transportation Safety Administration:

On my recent flight to Washington, DC, I receieved a "Notice of Baggage Inspection" in my blue Wilson duffle bag. I am, of course, glad that you inspected my bag "to protec you and your fellow passengers". I am intrigued that this is the second time in as many trips that my blue Wilson duffle bag has been inspected. Part of me wonders if you are "bag profiling". What percentage of bags inspected are Wilson duffle bags? Duffle bags in general?

However, I must thank you for re-packing my bag with such care. When I packed, I did my usual hasty packing job and my bag was bulging to the point that I could barely zip it up and apply the "TSA Approved" lock. When I retrieved my bag, I was extremely pleased to see that it had been re-packed SO WELL that there was now SPACE in my bag. I was wondering if I could have a representative come to my house prior to my flight to pack my bag! Then, you could inspect it at the same time! I would feel safer knowing my bag was packed properly. My mother would definitely approve.

Thanks for all your help,


gartenfische said...

Must say, when my husband got one of those inspection notices in his bag, they didn't repack his as nicely as they did yours.

Maybe terrorists carry Wilson duffle bags? Yes, clearly they are bag profiling. Maybe you should file a complaint.

geo said...

Mr. C,

You are obviously very, very much a danger to all of us!

I recall that you once spent a significant amount of time with a Kennedy family member!

That there church that you belong to is known for breeding "radicals".

You have a Dog of Color!

You are a Chicago Cubs fan!

What more does one need to see the obvious!