Monday, January 19, 2009

Inaugural Opening Ceremonies

We didn't go to the Inauguration "opening ceremonies" at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday. It was a hectic, full day, so we decided to watch on TV. Much to my surprise and annoyance, We were unable to find, on any of the "major" or less major networks, any close coverage of the speakers and musicians that performed. Julia found it on the computer and we listened on NPR. The computer showed still frames rather than video while the NPR broadcast was in "real time". I enjoyed the festivites but was troubled that the "rights" to the musical and speaking portions had been sold to an unnamed network. Someone said it was HBO. I had read that Obama was planning an "open" presidency, that would use the internet and media to reach the people and be transparent. Selling the rights to the opening ceremonies does not bode well. But at least we found it on the computer. And evey American has one of those, right?

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