Tuesday, September 11, 2007

American Idiot

Another takeon "patriotism". Bring 'im on! (caution: there are some naughty words in this video. Hope I don't offend. But I like the song, so sorry)


Ed said...

At about 01:48 from the end, this video shows the "president" playing guitar. I've seen this picture before. If you have a chance, try playing the chord he's playing. I've done it. It's sort of an A-flat major/minor, flat-5, major-7 chord. The dude's either playing some serious jazz or he's a total moron. You make the call.

poodledoc said...

I'll go for the moron choice. Of course, maybe you could get him to lay down some cool guitar riffs on "Impeach the Moron"

Ed said...

I don't know if "Impeach the Moron" is serious enough jazz for him. Besides, he'd just muck it all up and find a way to use it to make money for Halliburton, like he does to everything he touches. And let's not forget, all your readers can hear "Impeach the Moron" by visiting www.myspace.com/edfeeny.

Suzy said...

Impeach the Moron -- didn't I hear that being played on Z104 last week? (In my dreams.)