Friday, January 5, 2007

Will She Kill Harry or Not?

An exciting moment for me, and millions of people around the world, I'm sure, was the release this past week of the TITLE of the seventh and supposedly final Harry Potter book: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Personally, I've enjoyed the Potter "world" over the years. Its been a good way to connect with my son, who introduced them to me in the first place. I know some of you (and you know who you are!) feel the Potter books are "not very well written". Well, JK Rowling is not Nathaniel Hawthorne or Frank Herbert but compared to other "teen literature", such as the Pendragon series, she comes out looking pretty skillful.

So, the big topic of discussion in our house and perhaps a few others around the world, is: Will JK Rowling kill off Harry Potter????? I've had this discussion myself, even with other "grown ups", and most "grown ups" think no, she will not kill off Harry because: a) how will she ever put her kids through college, b) enraged fans will hound her (or worse) for the rest of her life, or d) enraged publishers will hound her for the rest of her life.

So, PoodleDoc is taking an informal poll: Will she kill him off or won't she? I eagerly await your comments. Oh yes, a bonus question: Is Dumbledore REALLY dead? You may want to go to before answering. In the meantime, I eagerly await another evening, huddled in the Borders Cafe with other "grown ups", waiting for midnight and the release of the new book some time in the future. I'll take a mocha with skim, please!


Ed said...

No, she will not kill Harry. She knows on which side her bread is buttered. All the hype regarding whether or not she'll kill Harry will sell a few more books. And I still think the books are poorly written. Try reading more of Britain's formerly first, and now second most popular living author (you know who I mean.) Much better writing and some actual content. Oh, yes, I believe Dombledork is really dead.

poodledoc said...

I thought Terry Pratchett was Australian......

Ed said...

Nope, not Australian. But speaking of British authors, I just started reading a book I thought you might enjoy called "Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About" by Mil Millington. It's a novel, but somehow I get the sense that it's not absolute fiction. Check out

Suzy said...

Things my girlfriend and I have argued about -- yeah, but it's not funny!

Suzy said...

And the real question is, is Elvis really dead?

Suzy said...

But I'll keep you company at Borders again, Chuck.

poodledoc said...

Thanks, Suzy, that meant a lot to me......really....for book #7, I think Ed should come along, dressed as Harry Potter!

Ed said...

I prefer to dress as Proffessor McGonnagiggle.

Suzy said...

I'll come dressed as Sam Vimes, in protest.

poodledoc said...
