Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mary Oliver Poem

A favorite poem of mine. I enjoy when a variety of people read poetry. I feel that publicly, the majority ofAmericans ignore poetry. However, privately, many more people have a poem or poems that they save to read again and again. So this is for the "private" poetry lovers. And the public ones,as well!


Ed said...

I'm one of those people who doesn't usually get poetry. I can appreciate it when it's in the form of song lyrics (assuming they're not banal), and I sometimes like poetry when I hear it read aloud, but I have a difficult time getting in to it when I read it. Don't know why that is.

Anyway, I liked this one. Thanks for the post.

gartenfische said...

Beautiful--thank you!

Unknown said...

This is such a great poem. Thanks. (But you're going to have to teach about this you-tube technology.....the first time listening, it stopped every 2 seconds, most annoying, but the second time, it was OK).

Suzy said...

Interestingly enough, the librarian I worked with this week told me that middle schoolers love poetry. So somewhere between middle school and adulthood, many would-be poetry lovers are lost. I've always loved poetry.

poodledoc said...

Well,jbixleri, I'd be glad to tell you what I know about YouTube, which isn't much. People such as Ed are the YouTube geniuses. Sorry it lurched for you. Donn't know why that happens.

Suzy: That is such an important point about that loss. I've organized "poetry spaces" where "grown-ups" have a chance to write( and share if they want to) poems. It's amazing what's inside these people.

Then there's the three minute poem where you give a partner an idea and they have three minutes to write a poem. This bypasses the internal critic and amazing things come out. plus it's fun!