Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saying farewell to friends.........

As I boarded my plane at DC's National Airport, two close friends were there to see me off! I didn't know he was that tall!


Ed said...

One thing that has always bugged me about Obama is that he is so two-dimensional. Also, he often comes off as rather flat.

Suzy said...

Is this a little like "Flat Stanley" -- that favorite project of elementary school teachers. The kids make a cut-out of Stanley and then mail it off to far-flung places and have people take pictures of it. J. is standing with somebody's "Flat Barack" project.

poodledoc said...

Yes, in another photo, too frightening to show here, "Flat John McCain" and "Flat Hillary" are edging into the field of view. So which "Flat" person would have the um, excuse me, corrugated fiber to "lead" this country?